
ISSN: 3049-1363

Submission Guidelines

1. Ensure your manuscript is original and previously unpublished.

2. Follow our guidelines on manuscript formatting, word lengths, and author payment.

3. We do not accept work that includes machine-generated text.

4. Language: All submissions must be in English and previously unpublished.

5. Translations: Translations are welcome but must be accompanied by the original work.

6. Simultaneous Submissions: Allowed, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

7. Quantity: Submit no more than six poems, one short story, one piece of prose, one research article, one painting, or one podcast at a time. Do not submit more than once per submission period.

Formatting and Submission

• Font: 12-point type - Times New Roman

• Margins: At least one inch

• Page Numbers: Sequentially numbered pages

• Fiction/Nonfiction: Double-spaced

• Poetry: Single-spaced

• Contact Info: Author’s name, address, phone number, and email at the top of the first page

• Bio: Include a brief biographical note with your submission

Word Count Guidelines

• Short Short Story: 500-2,000 words

• Short Stories/Essays/One-Act Plays: 2,000-15,000 words

• Novellas/Long Works: 15,000-40,000 words (Submit the first 15,000 words with a synopsis)

• Serialization: First chapter and a one-page synopsis (complete manuscript requested if suitable)

• Poetry: Up to five poems in a single file

• Audio Prose: Up to ten minutes in MP3 format, max 50mb

• Audio Poetry: Up to ten minutes in MP3 format, max 50mb

• Video: Short films/documentaries up to 15 minutes in .mp4 or .mov format, max 50mb

• Research Articles: Up to 1,500 words

Online Submissions

Use our official email id sjcengzine@mail.sjctni.edu for all digital submissions.

Hard-Copy Submissions

Postmark deadlines are the last day of the submission months of October & February. Include a brief cover letter and a self-addressed post.

Send to:

ENGZINE Submissions,

PG & Research Department of English,

St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous),

Tiruchirappalli – 620002, Tamil Nadu, India.

+91 9994494858

All contributions are copy-edited before publication, but the responsibility for accuracy lies with the author. If you have questions, reach out to us sjcengzine@mail.sjctni.edu

Ready to share your voice? We can't wait to read your submission.