
Frozen Hearts, Burning Love

At first, they met new faces,

But one stood out, fixed in their lives.

He tried to convey his love to her,

But at first, he failed.

He sought another way to express his heart,

Yet still, he faltered.

Finally, his love reached her,

And he loved her even more.

He admired her attitude, her childish ways,

Caring for her with all his soul.

Every day, he longed to see her,

But she was burdened by fear.

Her fear was of her parents’ judgment,

She felt she was betraying them.

Yet she couldn’t let go of him,

For her love for him was just as strong.

He soothed her worries, calmed her fears,

Becoming her protector, her shield.

Together, they faced countless barriers,

But their bond endured.

Their love lasted for years,

Dreaming of a new beginning with each new year.

Wherever they went, they created moments,

Memories etched in time.

But a small distance brought great sorrow.

They missed each other deeply,

And the distance bred difficulties,

Until two years passed, and they reunited.

Yet their love was no longer the same.

Small fights grew into daily battles,

And the little cracks broke them apart.

They lived only with memories of what once was.

Later, she carried his memories,

Not his presence,

Living silently with the pain she couldn’t express,

He, too, bore his pain in quiet solitude.

Family and circumstances tore them apart,

Changing their minds, their hearts for others.

Two little hearts, broken forever,

Finally, Frozen hearts melted by burning love.

by Mangaiyarkarasi Periyasamy