
When Silence Spoke

In a forest where ancient trees whispered secrets to the wind, a young girl named Riya lived in a world of silence. Her family were mute storytellers who conveyed emotions and tales through gestures and expressions. But as she approached her 17th name-day, Riya felt an inexplicable restlessness, as if the silence was awakening to a voice of its own.

One evening, she stumbled upon a hidden clearing with an enormous, twisted tree at its center. The tree began to speak to her in a low, rumbling voice, shattering the silence and awakening a deep understanding within her. Its words told tales of the forest and its secrets, guiding her on her journey through the world.

From that day on, Riya listened to the silence, and it spoke to her in a voice only she could hear.

Written by Chidhambaram AR | 24UCO241