The St. Joseph’s College Management is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all differently abled, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. The St. Joseph’s College Management is firm in ensuring that the differently abled enjoy the right to equality, life with dignity and respect for his or her integrity and equally with others. The college takes steps to utilize the capacity of differently abled by providing appropriate environment.

Vision and Mission

  • To foster self development and self reliance of the differently abled.
  • To ensure full participation, total access, economic and social integration of the differently abled persons.
  • To augment life of differently abled persons by assisting them to identify and enrich their potentials and goals

Objective Policy for Differently Abled:

Equality and non-discrimination:

The Management adopts all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the Equality and non-discrimination for the differently abled.

Community life:

The College given access to a range of in-house, residential and other community support services, including personal assistance necessary to support living with due regard to age and gender.

Protection from abuse, violence and exploitation:

The College takes cognizance of incidents of abuse, violence and exploitation and provides legal remedies in case of such incidents and is determined to take serious steps for avoiding such incidents and prescribes the procedure for its reporting.

Inclusion Opportunity:

The College admits them without discrimination and provides education and opportunities for sports and recreation activities equally with others. And it also provides necessary support individualized or otherwise in environments that maximize academic and social development consistent with the goal of full inclusion.

Social Security:

The College provides community centers with good living conditions in terms of safety, sanitation, health care and counseling. The College enhances potential, talent, capacity and ability in curricular and extra-curricular activities of all differently abled.

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