
  • Undergraduate students are to be passionately engaged in initial learning with an aim to think differently as agents of new knowledge, understanding and applying new ideas in order to acquire employability/ self-employment.

  • Undergraduate students are encouraged to take up higher learning programmes.

  • Undergraduate students are made to be competent and socially responsible citizen of India.

  • Undergraduate students are to be exposed to technical, analytical and creative skills.

  • Undergraduate students are to be imparted with a broad conceptual background in the Biological sciences / Computing sciences / Languages and culture / Management studies / Physical sciences.


  • Graduates are prepared to be creators of new knowledge leading to innovation, entrepreneur and employable in various sectors such as Private, Government and Research organizations.

  • Graduates are trained to evolve/ adopt new technologies in their own discipline.

  • Graduates are groomed to engage in lifelong learning process by exploring knowledge independently

  • Graduates are framed to design and conduct experiments/ demonstrate/ create models to analyze and interpret data.

  • Graduates ought to have the ability of effectively communicating the findings of Biological Sciences / Computing Sciences / Languages and Culture / Management Studies/ Physical Sciences/ and to incorporate with existing knowledge.

Master of Philosophy

  • Scholars are to be adopted with a new paradigm of self-learning in the form of review of earlier knowledge acquired.

  • Scholars are brought to light from the previous investigation completed to the newer thrusts of knowledge and implementation in research.

  • Scholars are trained to design, implement and evaluate secured information (hard and soft) systems with assured quality and efficiency.

  • Scholars are to be oriented towards becoming globally competent.

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