Student Counsellor

Handling the Covid-19 Situation Handling the Covid-19 Situation- (Tamil) Keep Fit During LockDown Covid

Professional Counselling in St.Joseph`s College, is an innovative initiative with the objectives of

1) Helping the students to manage their psychological problems more effectively and develop the unused and underused opportunities more fully

2) Capacity building of Mind in Higher Education and National development through the various programmes offered.

In this pursuit, need based individual and group counselling (Voluntary/Referrals by the Principal /Heads of the Departments/ Mentors/Parents) is given in the following focus areas: Lack of concentration/ attending skills/ lack of motivation/ lack of goals/ time management/ fear/ anger/anxiety/ guilt/ low self esteem/ passive aggressive behaviours/depression/ interpersonal relationships/stress/conflict resolution/ friendship/peer pressure/sexual problems/suicide ideations and attempts etc,. A simple assessment is done with the help of DSM IV and the records are maintained. Special talks are arranged on Human Relation Skills, Life Skills, Personality Development, Self Awareness, Interpersonal Relationships, Body Language, and Psychopathology as the Departments and Service Organizations require on special occasions.

Counselling centre organizes a Seminar on Leaderships skills for all the Representatives of the Shift One and Shift Two soon after the election of the Students' Council, to harness their leadership skills. Issues such as Self image, Team Building, Goal setting, Human values, Personality development, Time management, Group Dynamics and Today's Leader are dealt by the resource persons. Counsellor addresses the parents-teachers meetings of all the departments and meets the parents with their wards. Counselling centre hosts 'open forum' with the administrators. Counsellor visits every department and addresses the psychological issues of the students as and when it is required.

Yearly Regular Programmes

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