10-03-2025  C 13

Rev. Dr. A. Albert Muthumalai SJ Endowment
International Conference
Mathematical Sciences & Applications

March 09 - 11th, 2022

In Association with

The Indian Science Congress Association
Chennai Chapter

In Honour of

Rev. Dr. A. Albert Muthumalai SJ


It is an annual feature of the Department of Mathematics to conduct a National or International Conference in honour of Rev.Dr.A. Albert Muthumalai SJ , former Principal of the College. This is the eleventh consecutive year wherein the Department is bringing together experts and young researchers on a platform for discussion on recent advancements and challenging problems on various topics. We hope to organize additional informal interactive discussions apart from the Invited talks and technical sessions that are formally led by experts. It is hoped that these in-depth discussions and lectures led by experts with the view to enhancing research knowledge and problem solving strategies of young researchers.


Original research articles are invited in the following areas, but not limited to, listed below:
Algebra, Combinatorics, Complex Analysis, Computer Algorithms, Cryptography, Differential equations and Modelling, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Fuzzy Theory, Game theory, Graph Theory, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Stochastic Models, Theoretical Computer Science, Topology etc.,


All the accepted papers will be published in any of the following SCOPUS INDEXED Journals with no publication charges.

AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics.

Communications in combinatorics and Optimization (CCO).

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